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Finding Mystery Shopping Shops-Be Proactive!

Job Boards Give Higher Success Rates

Most Mystery Shopping Companies have Job Boards,and they will also send you automatic emails when shops are available in your area. Some shoppers, do get shops through the emails they receive, but I advise being proactive in your search for shops for greater success.

Established Job Board Search Routines Yeild Higher Results

Do you truly want mystery shopping jobs? Shop notification emails are sent out to many shoppers at once. You may receive an email notifying you of an available shop, but by the time you get to the job board, another shopper may have already accepted the shop.  Make sure you bookmark each of your job boards, and check them on a regular basis. New shops are generally posted at the beginning of each month.

Since companies often add bonuses as deadlines approach, some shoppers will chance missing out on jobs, and wait to apply for jobs till later in the month. Unfortunately, waiting for emails,or bonuses, can cause you to miss out on some excellent opportunities. Do whatever is right for you, depending on the number of jobs you are getting, and the proximity of the jobs. For me, I'd rather apply for a lower paying job, that is on my way to or from another shop or personal errand, than miss out entirely. Lower paying shops can turn  out to be great stepping stones to higher paying jobs.

Happy Shopping!
YrHelper Infonut
See you on Freebies 4 Canada Facebook Page!

1 comment:

Bare_Jodi said...

Mystery Shop Available with a Bonus- Granby, QC & Sherbrooke, QC !


Dear Mystery Shopper,

Are you a coffee enthusiast? Need that extra cappuccino to get you through the day?

This evaluation is for you! This shop entails visiting a Nespresso Authorized dealer and interacting with a sales associate regarding the Nespresso brand machines.

Your task will be to evaluate the POS material and the sales members knowledge on Nespresso products (coffee machines and coffee). The sales conversation needs to be done in the local language and you must spend at least 30 minutes at the location. During your mystery visits you will need to have a coffee degustation.

Beside the sales conversation, you also need to check the Nepresso’s merchandise and machines displays during your visit.

At the end of your mystery visit you need to attempt to take a photograph of the Nespresso Demo Machine (the machine used to make the coffee for tasting). Try to do this without revealing yourself. If you are questioned, you must show the authorization letter (the authorization letter can be found under a link in your questionnaire). After showing the letter, please take a clear picture of the Nespresso demo machine. If the store you visited doesn’t have a Nespresso demo machine please take a picture of the Nespresso products visible inside the store. If you are refused a photo even after showing the authorization letter (the letter MUST be shown), take a photo of the exterior of the shop.

For knowing on which days and between which hours you need to perform your mystery visit please check the yellow sticky notes attached to your location ID.

Your questionnaire (approximately 25 questions) must be completed only in English.

If you are interested in participating in this project, please apply for this shop.

If you have any questions regarding the assignment, please feel free to contact us!

Kind regards,


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