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Accepting Mystery Shops? Read Details!

Mystery Shopping Tips: Read Shop Details!

Penguin AdminMystery Shop details can impact your ability to get higher paying Mystery Shops. Read over all relevant information pertaining to any shop, before deciding to accept or decline work. Shop details include: location, scenario details, specific requirements, any required purchases to be reimbursed, timeframes, and what the shop pays. Decisions you make about accepting or declining Mystery Shops impact your ability to get higher paying mystery shops.
Important points in Choosing Shops
It is important not to decline shops too quickly. Most Mystery Shopping job boards are set up to remove any shops you decline from your offerings. It is far better to just let a job sit in your offerings,than decline it. Make sure you will not be out of pocket when you finish a Mystery Shop. It is also important to bear in mind the length of time it will take before you are reimbursed. Do not over extend yourself, so you do not have the cash flow available for a more lucrative reimbursement shop that may pop up next week. While I do accept initial low paying shops with new companies, to get my foot in the door, and show my skills, I do so only if they are convenient for me, and I at least break even. Note: If there are any details you are unsure of, email the provider before accepting, and keep a copy of the response as proof of the clarification you were given.  It can take a long time to get a negative comment removed from your file, without written proof to back you up.
Happy Shopping!
Yr Helper Infonut
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