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How to Maximize Eyeglass Shop Earnings!

It's eyeglass shop time! Many eyeglass shops pay very well. Here are some tips to maximize those earnings.

Mystery Shopping Six Tips For Making More Money on Eyeglass Shops

  1. (ON)  Do you kids need glasses? OHIP covers the cost of children's eye exams. Check if children's glasses qualify for the shop, that leaves the price of the eye exam in your pocket.
  2. Use savings from work benefits packages to pay for your glasses. You still get paid up to $120 for your reports
  3. Check online coupons & Valpak coupon savings. I once got free glasses, and was paid for the report.
  4. Check CAA savings. The cost of a membership with CAA can pay for itself with incredible savings.
  5. Offer to take a senior friend or relative for their eye exam and to get glasses. Do a good deed, and either offer them a 'rebate' of part of the money or a gift certificate. (ON Srs are covered for eye exams too.)
  6. Check the bargain bin frames for greater savings. Often there may be a single pair left of a certain frame available at a reduced price.
Get Cash from Mystery Shopping 4 Canada.
  1. Register your mystery shopping email  with Mystery Shopping 4 Canada.
  2. Register with the mystery shopping companies from whom you receive an invitation, using the same email address you provide to me here
  3. Complete shops within 60 days of your referral.
  4. When that happens, I will split my referral bonus with you! Plus  you can get bonuses for referring your friends!
Current referral cash :(it's not a lot, but every bit counts)
eyeglass shop -I get $5 -you get 1/2
any other shop from this company I get $2 you get 1/2
(funds will be sent as a personal transfer through PayPal)

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