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Getting Started in Mystery Shopping -

NEVER Pay for Mystery Shopping Leads!

Step 1

Set up a separate free email for your mystery shopping. I suggest Gmail for lots of reasons. (I wish I had. Now I'm transfering all my info and accounts to Gmail)

Step 2.

Download Robo Form  It's free for personal use, and you'll need it for filling in tons of forms. (Need Help with it? Drop me a comment!)

Step 3.

Set up a free PayPal account using your new email (most companies pay by PayPal) Don't choose the business option. Unfortunately, PayPal has started charging people for getting paid. Check the payment options with each company and decide what's best for you. It's free to create the account though.

Step 4

Prepare a database or  list of answers for job application forms (most forms are identical). Having your answers ready ahead of time will make it much faster to get your applications in and you'll be working sooner. Use the Spell and grammar check, then copy and paste your answers into the forms. Do you have Microsoft Word? If not, ask me for a link to Open Office –a free compatible program.
Application Answers Three of the most important questions test your writing ability and determine your chances of being chosen for a job:
A. Describe a recent shopping experience where you received excellent customer service.
B. Describe a recent shopping experience where you received poor customer service.
C. Why would you make a good mystery shopper?
They are looking for people who: are reliable, self-starters; just state facts not opinions (rare exceptions); can blend in and think on their feet;, have good writing skills (especially grammar and accurate vocabulary):and are non-judgemental. The number of words allowed for these questions varies from company to company. Usually no more than 250 characters.

Also make lists of all the:

  •  Towns around your area,(including postal and area codes) where you would be willing to shop 
  • Stores and restaurants you frequent 
  • TV shows you watch (I was asked this - still don't know why)

Step 5

Put your info in your and start applying to companies. Use the links to companies in my blog, then drop me a comment if you'd like more.

Remember- Never pay for Mystery Shopping Addresses or advice. Infonut gives free info!!
If you, or anyone you know, wear or need glasses; there are shops that pay really well for these. I can put a word in for you with my scheduler.
"We're all in this together and I'm pullin' for ya"
(Yes, I'm a Red Green Fan)
Remember- NEVER pay for mystery shopping information. You can get it from me for FREE! Want more free mystery shopping tips? Drop me a comment with your email address. Here's my Privacy Policy.

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