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Gapbuster Worldwide - Bonus Shops Posted

It's the end of the month, and for mystery shoppers living in select areas, that means bonus time at many companies. If you passed up a shop because of it's low pay earlier in the month, go back & check to see if it's still there.

Gapbuster Worldwide is one of the first companies I started with. They have a clear straightforward training program.  The report for one of their clients is mostly  simple drop-down questions, BUT KEEP  COPIOUS NOTES ON FILE  for months (especially if you mention anything that could even be slightly misconstrued as a criticism.) This is the only company for which I have ever had my shops refuted. The locations for one client in particular, must have a lot riding on your evaluation.

Here are a few of the bonus locations available this month at Gapbuster Worldwide:

Newfoundland - Labrador City

Québec -  Gaspé, Maniwaki, Sept-Îles

Ontario - - Cornwall

Manitoba - The Pas

Saskatchewan - Swift Current,  Kindersley

British Columbia - Sechelt

Warning!! Like many successful companies, Gapbuster Worldwide has imitators. Join our Mystery Shopping 4 Canada Club & get the correct link as well as tips on which training to take, which type of shop is faster  to do, &  what to do if your evaluation form won't submit.

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