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Mystery Shoppers Wanted- Big ticket shops!

Not all mystery shopping job pay big dollars, but sometimes you do find them. Usually higher paying jobs are for far flung locations. I just spotted some $70 shops for one company. Drop me a comment if you're interested, and I'll refer you to them.

( I get a referral fee of $10 for Canadian referrals with this company join up and you can make money by referring friends too! They pay up to $20 per referral depending on the country.)

Well, I'm off to get paid to have an oil change and then paid to eat a delicious free goumet meal. I'll bring home free takeout for the family for supper! (Note: you have to wait to be reimbursed, but patience does have its rewards!)

1 comment:

YrHelper Infonut said...

The company I posted about here last year,has now changed their referral bonuses. There is still a bonus though.

I just sent in a referral for a commenter on this post. Johnathan-let me know if you have any questions, It is important to use the email you provided to sign up with the company.

When I get my bonus,you will receive yours too.

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