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Shop'n Chek, Inc. Worldwide

I have done and been paid for a number of shops with this company.
corporate website: www.shopnchek.ca (currently under construction)

Apply to shop'nchek Canada
Please use my ID 8009718 for a referral then leave me a comment & I'll help you

In addition to mystery shopping, shopnchek also offers in-person interviewing opportunities. Shopnchek rarely emails jobs to you, so login daily to find jobs.

Login to Shopncek to find jobs

Note after you register,if you have login problems you might be on the wrong website.

Types of “shops” - gasoline stations, fast food establishments, sit-down restaurants, drug stores, computer stores, warehouse clubs, wireless telephone providers, bookstores, etc.

Shopnchek mystery shopper Requirements

Age- 20 +

Education-min. high school

Skills- excellent observer & very detail oriented

Equipment- digital watch or a watch with a clear second hand for timing the store’s service. Access to a computer (I started using the computer at my local library, you need access to a printer as well and most shops also require you to scan or upload a picture of a receipt.)

Security and your Social Security Number: Your information is collected via a secure web environment and there is a link to their Privacy Statement on the form. Check out the URL in your web browser after you entered their website, you will see they immediately redirect you to a secured server and you will see 'https' in the URL - a sign that you are on a secured server. If you are uncomfortable giving your SSN/SIN on-line, they also accept applications via mail, fax and e-mail. Do not enter a SSN/SIN other than your true and valid SSN/SIN; identity theft is a crime.

Once they have received my submission, what is next? Approved Shoppers will receive an e-mail with a Shopper ID number and further information. Please make sure that your ISP or computer does not filter out their e-mail address. If you have not heard from them within 7 business days, e-mail HelpDesk@shopnchek.ca for an update.

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