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* Dry Cleaning Shops -- Ontario, Canada
Brockville CA
Port Hope
St. Mary’s
Service Sleuth is scheduling shops at a popular dry cleaner!
The shopper fee is $10 and it reimburses up to $75 for your items.
This is a great way to get some items dry cleaned and laundered.
Shopper is to drop off three items. Two dry
cleaning pieces (these should be 1/2 garments
i.e.: pants, blouse, sweater, skirt) and one laundered shirt.
The incoming order is to have three discrepancies:
• The laundered shirt should be missing a button.
• One of the dry cleaning pieces should
have a minor, but visible, stain.
• The other dry cleaning item is be
chosen by the shopper. The alteration must be
minor as this location does not do big alterations.
Shopper is to submit the first portion of the
shop the same day as the items are dropped
off. You will click SAVE and your report will be
bumped to Incomplete. You will finish the report
once you have picked up the items.
Shoppers will be paid via PayPal. Payments are
submitted to PayPal approximately 60 days after
the last day of the month in which they were shopped.
Please apply on the Service Sleuth site at
http://www.sassiesh op.com/2services leuths

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